Creating a draw

Lender users can create draws. To create a draw, the deal must include a completed draw schedule and a funding source. For more information, see Creating a draw schedule and Creating a funding source.

Note: Ensure that full access is provided to the Draws permissions.

To create a draw, perform the following steps.

1. At the top-left of the page, click Portfolio.

2. On the Portfolio page, click View or Deal ID for the deal for which you want to create a draw.

3. On the left navigation menu, click Draw Management.

4. On the draw details page, click Create Draw.

5. In the Create Draw dialog box, enter the following information:
i In the Draw Workflow drop-down, select the draw workflow.
ii In the Draw name field, enter the draw name.

6. Click Create Draw.

A message is displayed indicating that the draw is created successfully.

Note: After the draw is created, you must fulfil the draw requirements. For more information, see:

Adding documents to a draw

Adding draw disbursements

Adding a new approval

Transitioning the draws status