Creating a draw schedule

You can create a Draw Schedule manually or upload a .CSV file while creating a new deal. To create a deal, see Creating a deal.

Note: Ensure that:

Full access permissions is provided to Deal Management:

Portfolio Page

Deal Creation

Deal Details

Deal Overview

Draw Schedule.

This topic includes the following sections:

Creating a draw schedule manually

To create a draw schedule on a deal manually, perform the following steps.

1. At the top-left of the page, click Portfolio.

2. On the Portfolio page, click the Deal ID or View for the required deal.

3. On the left navigation menu, click Draw Schedule.

4. On the Draw Schedule page, click + Create manually.

5. On the Create Draw Schedule page, enter the following information and click Save.


To add multiple item rows, click + New Use(s).

To create a group and add relevant item type in that group, see Creating a group.


Parameter Description


Type of cost such as Hard, Soft, and Contingency.


A description of the selected cost type.

Original Schedule

Amount payable for the item.

The Draw Schedule page is displayed with the details of the newly created draw schedule.

Creating a draw schedule using a CSV file

Lenders must download the template, add the draw schedule data, and then upload the completed file. You can modify and save the draw schedule details later.

Note: The template is available in the required draw schedule format.

To create a draw schedule using a CSV file, perform the following steps.

1. At the top-left of the page, click Portfolio.

2. On the Portfolio page, click View or Deal ID for the deal.

3. On the left navigation menu, click Draw Schedule.

4. On the Draw Schedule page, click Upload from CSV.

5. On the Upload from CSV page, under STEP 1, click Download Template .

A CSV-formatted spreadsheet template is downloaded.

6. From your computer, double-click to open the downloaded template.

7. Enter the following information and save the spreadsheet, ensuring that it is in csv format.
Field Description
Cost Type

Type of cost, such as Hard, Soft, and Contingency, and so on.

Description A description about the line item.
Total Amount The total amount allocated to an item.

Group Name

The group name associated with the item in the draw schedule. This is helpful if you want to segment your draw schedule.

8. On the Upload from CSVdialog box, under STEP 2, click Choose a File or click the drop box.

9. From your computer, select the spreadsheet that includes the completed draw schedule, and click Open.

Note: To delete the uploaded file, click delete .

10. The file is displayed after it is successfully uploaded. Click Confirm.

The columns from the template are displayed on the Create Draw Schedule page.

Note: To create a group and add relevant item type in that group, see Creating a group.

11. On the Create Draw Schedule page, validate or enter the following information.
Field Description


Type of cost such as Hard, Soft, and Contingency.

Description The description of the line item.

Original Schedule

The total amount allocated to an item.

12. After the information is reviewed and adjusted as required, click Save.

The Draw Schedule page is displayed along with the created draw schedule according to the CSV template.


Creating a group

You can create a group and add relevant items in that group.

To create a group, perform the following steps.

1. In the ITEMS section, select the items that you want to add to in a group.

After selecting an item, the Actions option is displayed.

2. Click Actions.

Note: To delete the selected items, click Delete Items.

3. Hover over the Add to group and click Create group.

Note: To remove items from group, click Remove from group.

4. On the Create Group dialog box, in the Group Name field, type the group name.

5. Click Create group.

The Create Draw Schedule page is displayed where selected items are displayed under created group.