Monitoring and managing rules of a draw workflow

This topic includes the detailed information to monitor and update the status of rules to Passed or Failed.

Note: Ensure that full access is provided to the Draws permissions.

To monitor rules, perform the following steps.

1. At the top-left of the page, click Portfolio.

Portfolio tab

2. On the Portfolio page, at the top-right, click + New Deal. For more information, see Creating a new deal.

Portfolio page

3. After creating a deal, on the left navigation menu, click Capital Stack. For more information see, Creating a funding source.

4. After creating a funding source, on the left navigation menu, click Draw Schedule. For more information see, Creating a draw schedule.

5. After creating a draw schedule, on the left navigation menu, click Draw Management.

6. On the Draws page, click + Create draw.

7. On the Create Draw dialog box, enter the following details.

i In the Draw Workflow drop-down, select the required draw workflow.
ii In the Draw name field, enter a draw name.
iii Click Create Draw.

A message is displayed indicating that the draw is created successfully.

8. On the draw page, click the Rules tab.

Rules Condition Result
AND rule
Click Status. Includes Passed and Failed options.
Select Passed for a condition of the rule.

The selected condition is set as Passed.

The status of the other condition(s) remains unchanged.

The rule title status is Failed.

Select Passed for all conditions of the rule.

The status of all conditions is set as Passed.

The rule title status is set as Passed.

Select Failed for one condition of the rule.

The selected condition is set as Failed.

The status of other condition(s) remains unchanged.

The rule title status is Failed.

OR rule

Click Status.

Includes Passed and Failed options.

Select Passed for one condition of the rule.

The selected condition is set as Passed.

The status of the other condition(s) remains unchanged.

The rule title status is Passed.

Select Failed for one condition of the rule.

The selected condition is set as Failed.

The status of the other condition(s) remains unchanged.

The rule title status is Passed.

Select Failed for all conditions of the rule.

The conditions are set as Failed.

The rule title status is Failed.

9. To update the status of a rule, go to the Status column, and click Incomplete.

10. In the Incomplete drop-down, select the required status of a rule such as Passed or Failed.

The rules statuses are displayed.

11. At the top-right of the page, click Draw Risk, and select the required option from the drop-down.

12. Once you are ready to update the draw status, select the next status of the workflow in the draw status dropdown.

For example, if the current status is "In Review", select the next status as "Final Approval".