Creating a new deal

Creating a new deal allows you to onboard your portfolio to the Built platform. To configure a user to create a deal, seeManaging user roles.

Note: Ensure that:

Full access permission is provided to the Deal Management:

Portfolio Page & Deal Creation

Deal Details

Deal Overview

A deal workflow is created.

A draw workflow is created.

A group is created.

To create a new deal, perform the following steps.

1. At the top-left of the page, click Portfolio.

Portfolio tab

2. On the Portfolio page, at the top-right, click + New Deal.

Portfolio page

3. On the New Deal dialog box, enter the required information.

New Deal dialog box

Field Description
Deal Name A deal name.
Deal ID The ID of the deal.

Deal Workflow

The required deal workflow.

This field is mandatory.

Draw Workflow

The required draw workflow.


The required group.

This field is mandatory.

4. Click + New Deal.

The Portfoliopage is displayed where the newly created deal is listed. The default status of the deal isPending.