Editing a draw workflow

You can add, remove, or edit a status block in the Workflow Builder.

Note: Ensure that full access is provided to the Draw Workflow Management permission.

To edit a draw workflow, perform the following steps.

1. At the top-right of the page, click Settings Gear icon.
2. On the left navigation menu, under the Customization drop-down, click Workflows.

Note: On the Workflows page, the Draw tab is selected by default.

Organization Settings

3. On the Workflows page, in the Action column, click Edit for the workflow that you want to update.

Workflow Page

4. To remove the status, on the Draw Workflow Builder page, in the status block, click Remove Remove icon.

Workflow Builder Editor

5. To add a new status in the main section, see steps 6 to 10 in Managing draw workflow statuses.
6. To edit conditions for set of rules, see steps 9 and 10 in Adding rules while creating a draw workflow.

The Draw Workflow Builder page is displayed with the updated details.

Funded status block is removed from editor

7. At the top-right of the page, click Publish Workflow.
8. On the Publish Workflow dialog box, in the Workflow Definition Name field, verify or edit the draw workflow name.

Publish Workflow

9. Click Publish Workflow.

A success message is displayed indicating that the updated workflow is published.

Note: The Publish Workflow button is disabled.

10. To reload the browser window, on the left navigation menu, click Workflows.

The updated workflow is displayed in the list of workflows.