Managing draw workflow statuses

You can add and publish statuses that are used to create a draw workflow.

Note: Ensure that full access is provided to the Draw Workflow Management permission.

To add a draw workflow status, perform the following steps:

1. Create a draw workflow. For more information, see Creating a draw workflow.

On the Draw Workflow Builder page, in the Workflow Builder pane, Statuses are displayed.

Draw Workflow Builder

2. In the Statuses section, click Manage status Manage Status(es).

The Manage Workflow Status(es) dialog box is displayed along with the Active and Archived tabs.

Manage statuses dialog box

3. In the Status Type drop-down, select the required status such as Approved, Pending, Rejected, Shared, or Transferred.

Note: Standard statuses are placed under three categories:

Pending - Draft and Revision Requested

In Progress - Lender Review, Revision Requested, In Approvals, Approved, and Ready to Transfer

Terminal - Transferred, Notice to Fund, Funded, and Declined
After transitioning to a terminal status, the workflow can only transition to additional terminal statuses.

4. In the Status Name field, enter the status name such as Waiting for Review, In Review, Approved or Ready to Fund, or Funded.

Note: To add multiple statuses, click + Add Status. An empty row is added to the editable list of Status Type and Status Name.

5. Click Publish Status(es).

In the Workflow Builder section, the status is added to the Statuses list.

6. In the Create Draw section, drag and drop the status block.

Note: Include four grid spaces between the two statuses.

Four dots separating two review blocks

7. To connect two status blocks, at the bottom-center of status block, click the Black dot Black dot.
8. Drag a line and connect it to the black dot of the next status block.

A blue line connects the two statuses, with an Edit Transition button Edit Transaction Button icon in between.

Drag a line to connect two status blocks

9. To set rules and define conditions, see steps 9 and 10 in Adding rules while creating a draw workflow.
10. At the top-right of the page, click Publish Workflow.

Publish Workflow button

11. On the Publish Workflow dialog box, in the Workflow Definition Name field, verify or edit the draw workflow name.

Publish Workflow Dialog Box

12. Click Publish Workflow.
13. To view the published workflow, on the left navigation menu, click Workflows.

The Draw Workflow is displayed in the Workflows list with Published status.

Workflows list displays