Creating an order for a property on a deal

Using this feature, you can create orders for a property such as a request for an inspection, title search, or title endorsement.

Note: Ensure that:

Full-access permissions are provided for Ordering and Fulfillment.

A deal is created with at least one property. To add property to a deal, see Adding property details to a deal.

To create a new order, perform the following steps.

1. At the top-left of the page, click Portfolio.

2. On the Portfolio page, click Deal ID or View for the required deal.

3. On the left navigation menu, click Orders.

4. On the Orders page, click + New Order.

5. In the New Order dialog box, enter the following details.

Field Description
What do you want to order? The order type such as Draw Inspection, Title Endorsement, and Title Search. This field is mandatory.
Vendor The name of the vendor who will complete the order. This field is mandatory.

Order Number

The order number the vendor will use to identify the request. This field is mandatory.

6. In the Deliverables section, select the property for which you want to create the order.
7. Click + New Order.
A message is displayed indicating the order was created successfully.