Managing an inspection order on a deal

You can track an inspection order, modify the status, and mark it as fulfilled.

Note: Ensure that:

Full access permission is provided to the Deal Management

Full access permission is provided to the required deal.

Full access permission is provided to a draft stage order.

To manage an order, perform the following steps.

1. On the Portfolio page, click View for the deal you want to manage.

Portfolio page

2. On the left navigation menu, click Orders.

Order page

3. On the Orders page, click View for the order in a Draft status.

Note: For more information on creating a new order, see Creating an order for a property on a deal.

The order page is displayed, which contains sections for Deliverables, Order Details, Documents, and Comments.

Order Details page

Requested status

To change the status to Requested, perform the following steps.

4. At the top-right of the page, in the Status drop-down, select Requested.

Status Options

5. On the Update Order Status dialog box, in the Requested Date field, enter the requested date.

Update Order Status dialog box

6. In the Due Date field, enter the due date of the order.
7. Click Confirm.

A message is displayed indicating that the status is updated successfully.

Status changed from Draft to Requested

Discard status

To change the status to Discard, perform the following steps.

1. At the top-right of the page, in the Status drop-down, select Discard.

Status Options

2. On the Discard Order dialog box, click Discard Order.

Discard Order dialog box

A message is displayed indicating that the status is updated successfully.

In Progress status

When you change the status to Requested, options under the status drop-down menu automatically update to Requested, In Progress, and Cancelled.

To change the status to In Progress, perform the following steps.

1. In the Status drop-down, select In Progress.
2. On the Update Order Status dialog box, in the Due Date field, enter the due date.

Update Order Status to In Progress

3. Click Confirm.

A message is displayed indicating that the status is updated successfully.

Status In Progress

Fulfilled status

When you change the status to In Progress, options under the status drop-down menu automatically update to In Progress, Fulfilled, and Cancelled.

To change the status to Fulfilled, perform the following steps.

1. In the Status drop-down, select Fulfilled.
2. On the Update Order Status dialog box, in the Date Completed field, enter the order completed date.

Order completed date

3. Click Complete Order.

A message is displayed indicating that the status is updated successfully.

Order Filfilled

Cancelled status

To change the status to Cancelled, perform the following steps.

1. In the Status drop-down, select Cancelled.

Cancelled status

2. On the Cancel Order dialog box, click Cancel Order.

Cancel Order dialog box

A message is displayed indicating that the status is updated successfully.

In the comments section, to add, edit, and delete a comment, see Managing comments on a deal.