Assigning a draw workflow to a deal

Using this feature, users with the required permissions can assign the draw workflow to a deal. For more information, see Creating a new deal.

Note: Ensure that full access permission is provided to Deal Management.

Portfolio Page

Deal Creation

Deal Overview

Deal Details

To assign a draw workflow to a deal, perform the following steps.

1. On the Portfolio page, click Deal ID or View for the deal that you want to update.

Portfolio page

2. On the left navigation menu, click Settings.

Deal Overview Page

3. On the Settings page, in the Deal Details section, click Edit.

Settings tab on the left navigation

4. In the Draw Workflow drop-down, select the required draw workflow.

Make other updates to the deal details as required.

Deal Details Dialog Box

5. Click Save.

The Settings page is displayed where the changes are successfully updated.

Settings page