Workbook modes overview

Sigma features three workbook modes (View, Explore, and Edit) that provide different levels of interactions, customizations, and analysis within a workbook. Each mode is designed to help you perform specific tasks depending on your objectives and permissions.

Workbook mode objectives

View mode View mode Explore mode Edit mode

Allows you to view a published version of a workbook (the version labeled “Published” and all tagged versions)

Provides an isolated environment in which you can customize published workbook content and perform ad hoc analysis without affecting saved or shared versions of a workbook

Provides a draft environment with full-scope analytic functionality that allows you to edit and save an individual or collaborative analysis
Use case

Recommended when you need to view prepared data and insights without performing additional analysis.

Recommended when you need quick answers to specific business questions, but you don’t need to save the analysis for future use or sharing

Recommended when you need to build reports and publish them for future use or sharing
Required account type permission

View workbooks or Basic explore

Full explore

Create, edit, and publish workbooks

Required workbook permission

Can view, Can explore, Can edit, or Owner

Can explore, Can edit, or Owner

Can edit or Owner

Workbook accessibility comparison

The following table compares what you can do in each mode based on workbook permission.

View mode View mode (Can view) View mode (Can explore / Can edit) Explore mode (Can explore / Can edit) Edit mode (Can edit)
Update control values
Modify existing filters

Sort column data

View column details

Expand/collapse grouped rows

View aggregated underlying data

Refresh data

Create bookmarks

View and add comments^1

Create new filters

View and drill into unaggregated underlying data

Use drill paths ("Drill anywhere")

Format, reorder, rename, hide, freeze, and delete columns

Enter input table values2

Download individual elements to PNG

Download individual elements to CSV, Excel, JSON, Google Sheets, or PDF3

Send or schedule exports4

Copy data point values

Create, edit, and delete pages

Create, edit, and delete elements

(editing encompasses properties, format, actions, columns, etc.)

Duplicate and move existing elements

Copy/paste elements

View and change element data


Add and modify columns

View custom SQL logic

Edit layouts and workbook settings

View lineage

View hidden pages

Publish workbook edits

1 Requires an account type with the Can comment on workbooks permission enabled.

2 Requires the input table element's data entry permission to be set to the workbook's published version.

3 The ability to download to CSV, Excel, JSON, and PDF requires an account type with the Download or Send Now permission enabled. The ability to download to Google Sheets also requires the Export to Google Sheet permission.

4 The ability to send exports (using the Send now feature) requires an account type with the Download or Send Now permission enabled. The ability to schedule exports requires the Schedule export permission.