View column details
Column details are available for all column types except JSON. To see details and statistics about an individual column:
1. | Open the column's dropdown menu. |
2. | Select Column Details. |
Contents of the modal vary depending on column type. However, the overarching structure remains consistent.
This section lists column type, name, and formula (fx).
This section displays visual representations of the columns data. The Top Values list contains the column’s most common values. This information is available for Text, Number, and Date columns. A Value Distribution histogram is also available for Number and Date columns.
This section lists key column totals: Values, Nulls, Row Count and Distinct Values. The percent column delineates the percentage of count out of total rows in the column.
Values - The total number of non-null values.
Nulls - The total number of null values.
Row Count - The total number of rows in the column, regardless of value
Distinct Values - The total number of unique values.
This section lists a variety of column statistics. Minimum and Maximum values are displayed for Date and Text columns. These and all other stats listed below are available for Number columns.
Minimum - The column’s minimum value. Depending on column type, this will be the lowest number, the oldest date, or the first Text value when sorted alphabetically.
25th Percentile - The number of values in the bottom 25th percentile of the columns values.
Median - The midpoint in a sorted list of column values.
75th Percentile - The number of values in the bottom 75th percentile of the columns values.
Maximum - The column’s maximum value. Depending on column type, this will be the highest number, the newest date, or the last Text value when sorted alphabetically.
Average - The average of all column values.
Standard Deviation - The column’s computed standard deviation.
Variance - The column’s statistical variance.