Creating a custom text covenant

You can create a custom covenant rule, track and monitor the status of covenants, and receive notifications, when the status of a covenant changes on a deal.

Note: Ensure that:

Full access permission is provided to the Deal Management:

Portfolio Page & Deal Creation

Deal Details

Deal Overview


To create a custom covenant, perform the following steps.

1. At the top-left of the page, click Portfolio.

2. On the Portfolio page, click Deal ID or View for the deal.

3. On the left navigation menu, click Covenants.

4. On the Covenants page, click + New Covenant.

5. On the New Covenant dialog box, in the Type drop-down, select Custom .

After selecting Custom, the following fields are displayed.

6. Enter the following information.
Field Description
Covenant Name

The covenant name. This field is mandatory.


Status such as:

  • Passing- The covenant as described is passing.

  • At-Risk- The covenant as described is technically passing, but close to fail.

  • Failing- The covenant as described is failing.

This field is mandatory.

Status Change Notification Recipient(s)

Select one or more required recipients' email addresses from the drop-down. The recipients receive the status change update notification by email.


A free text field to capture additional details relevant to the covenant

7. Click + New Covenant.

A message is displayed indicating that the new covenant is created successfully.