Deactivating an account

You can change the status of accounts if they are no longer actively supporting transactions on a deal.

Note: Before deactivating an account, ensure that:

Full access permission is provided to the Deal Management:

Portfolio Page & Deal Creation

Deal Details

Deal Overview

Capital Stack

A deal is created.

An account is created.

To deactivate an account, perform the following steps.

1. At the top-left of the page, click Portfolio.

2. On the Portfolio page, click Deal ID or View for the required deal.

3. On the left navigation menu, click Capital Stack.

4. On the Capital Stack page, in the Accounts tab, click Edit .

5. On the Edit Account dialog box, turn off the Active toggle button.

A message is displayed indicating that the Escrow account is successfully updated.

Note: You can verify the status of an inactive account from the transactions page.

6. At the top-left of the page, click Portfolio.

7. On the Portfolio page, click Deal ID or View for the required deal.

8. On the left navigation menu, click Transactions.

9. On the Transactions page, click +New Transaction.

10. In the Transaction Type drop-down, select the Excess Cash Contribution/ Excess Cash Distribution.

The Allocate to Accounts section displays no accounts for the selected transaction type.

11. Click Cancel.

Note: To reactivate the account, in the Edit Account dialog box, turn on the Active toggle.