Adding a transaction

Note: Ensure that full access permission is provided to:

Deal Management - Portfolio Page & Deal Creation, Deal Overview, and Deal Details

Deal Stakeholders - Deal Stakeholder Management

Draws - Draw Schedules

Capital Stack - Capital Stack Management

At least one funding source has been created within the deal's capital stack in order to add a transaction

A deal is present along with the setup of Capital Stack, Draw Schedule, and Funding Rules.

To add a transaction to a deal, perform the following steps.

1. At the top-left of the page, click Portfolio.

2. On the Portfolio page, click Deal ID or View for the required deal.

3. On the left navigation menu, click Transactions.

4. On the Transactions page, click +New Transaction.

5. In the New Transaction dialog box, enter the following information.

Parameter Description
Transaction Type The transaction type such as Collateral Sells Proceeds, Fee, Interest and so on. This field is mandatory.

Note: When you select Fee or Reconciliation as the Transaction Type, the Sub Type field is displayed.

Allocate to Funding Sources The amount required for the transaction from the total amount. This field is mandatory.
Sub Type The sub type for the Fee or Reconciliation transaction type.


The date of transaction. This field is mandatory.


A summary or notes about the transaction.

6. Click +New Transaction.

A message is displayed indicating that the transaction is created successfully.


Contribution and Distribution Transaction types require an Account to be eligible to be applied. All other transactions types can be applied against a Funding Source.

Fee and Interest transaction types if related to a funding source, do not impact the funding sources balance, as the Fees and Interest are accrued outside of Built and captured in a ledger, for record keeping purposes.