Creating a cash flow line item

You can create line items that can be included in property cash flows.

Note: Ensure that:

A deal is created.

Full access is provided to the Cash Flows permission.

Property details are added to a deal.

To create a cash flow line item, perform the following steps.

1. At the top-left of the page, click Portfolio.

2. On the Portfolio page, click Deal ID or View for the deal that you want to update.

3. On the left navigation menu, click Property.

4. On the Property page, click View for the property for which you want to create a cash flow line item.

5. In the left navigation menu, click Cash Flows.

6. On the Cash Flows page, click three-dots and select Line Items.

7. On the Cashflow Line Items page, click New Line Item.

8. In the New Cashflow Line Item Input dialog box, enter the following information.

Field Description
Line Item Scenario
Provided By

The stakeholder that sourced the cash flow.

This field is mandatory.

Valuation Type

The valuation type of the cash flow.

This field is mandatory.

Line Item Details
Effective Date

The line item is included in the cash flow effective this date.

This field is mandatory.

As Of Date

By default, the latest date is displayed. You can update this date to represent when the lender became aware of the data included about the line item.

This field is mandatory.


To include line item only within forecast cash flows, select the Forecast checkbox.

Is a Rollup

To indicate that the line item pertains to a CREFC-standard rollup category instead of a more granular transaction, select the Is a Rollup checkbox.

Cashflow category

The line item category such as Revenue, Expense or Expenditure.

This field is mandatory.

Rollup category

The rollup category for the selected cashflow category.

This field is mandatory.


The amount for the cashflow line item.

This field is mandatory.


The description of the cash flow line item.

9. Click Submit.

A success message is displayed indicating the line item is created successfully.

On the Cash Flows page, line item values are displayed on the cash flow.