Creating a lease for a unit

A lease is a contractual agreement between a lessor (owner) and a lessee (user) granting the lessee the right to use an asset in exchange for periodic payments over a specified period. On the Draw Schedule, a lease with a TI or LC allowance is required when funding against the Tenant Improvement or Lease Commission line items.

Note: Ensure that:

A deal is created.

Full access is provided to the following Asset Management permissions:

Property Tracking


A property is added to a deal.

A unit is added within a property.

A tenant is added to the Contacts.

To create a lease on a unit, perform the following steps.

1. At the top-left of the page, click Portfolio.

2. On the Portfolio page, click Deal ID or View for the deal that you want to update.

3. On the left navigation menu, click Property.

4. On the Property page, click View for the property that you want.

5. On the Unit Tracking page, click + New Lease.

6. In the New Lease dialog box, enter the following information.

Field Description

The tenant with whom you want to create a lease. Tenants are populated from the Lender's Contacts.

This field is mandatory.


The unit(s) for which you want to create a lease. Unit(s) are populated from the inventory of Unit(s) created within the Property.

This field is mandatory.

Lease Start Date

The start date of a lease.

This field is mandatory.

Lease End Date

The end date of a lease.

This field is mandatory.

Monthly Base Rent

The base rent amount for a tenancy. It helps to calculate any additional rent adjustments such as step rent or other lease terms.

This field is mandatory.

Monthly Gross Rent

The fixed rent amount for a tenancy, excluding other expenses such as utilities.

Rental Concessions (months)

The number of months for which the rent is waived off. A landlord can offer one or more months of free rent, as an incentive for new tenants.

Reimbursement Type

The type of expenses that the tenant is responsible for reimbursing to the landlord, such as Gross, Modified Gross, and NNN (Triple Net Lease).

Tenants Improvements (TI) Allowance

The amount of money a landlord agrees to pay for a tenant to renovate a leased unit.

TI Draw Schedule Item

The list of TI Draw Schedule Items.

Lease Commissions (LC)

The amount to be paid to the real estate broker, who has introduced a tenant.

LC Draw Schedule Item

The list of LC Draw Schedule Items.

Rent Steps

Rent Steps, also known as “step rent”, is a type of additional rent term in commercial real estate where the rent increases or decreases at defined periods. It separates the increases due to inflation into a separate row in the accounts and simplifies the accounting.

To add Rent Steps:

1. Click + Add Rent Step.
2. Enter the Rent Step Effective Date and Amount.


You can add multiple rent steps.

To delete rent step, click Delete .

3. Click + New Lease.

If the Rentable Square Footage (SF) is not defined for the selected unit(s), the Selected unit(s) are missing information dialog box is displayed.

Enter the Rentable SF and click Confirm.

A message is displayed indicating that the lease is created successfully.

Note: To view lease details, on the Unit Tracking page, click Edit for the unit for which a lease was created. The lease details are displayed at the bottom of the Edit Unit dialog box.