Filtering deals
You can filter deals according to their statuses.
Note: Ensure that full access is provided to the Portfolio page and Deal Creation permissions.
To filter deals, perform the following steps.
1. | On the Portfolio page, click Filters. |
2. | In the Filters dialog box, select the Deal Status Type check boxes for which you want to filter deals. For example, if you select the Pending and Archived check boxes, only the pending and archived deals are displayed. |
• In the Search box, you can search for the status.
• You can select multiple statuses.
• To close the Filters dialog box, click or Close
The Portfolio page displays the filtered deals.
Clearing filters
To clear filters, perform the following steps.
1. | On the Portfolio page, click Filters. |
2. | In the Filters dialog box, click Clear for a specific section to clear the applied filters, or Clear all to clear all filters applied to multiple sections. |
The Portfolio page displays the deals that apply to your filter adjustments.