Adding a unit within a property

You can breakdown the property into units and add these units within a property, on the Unit Tracking page.

Note: Ensure that:

A deal is created.

Full access is provided to the following Asset Management permissions:

Property Tracking


A property is added to a deal.

To add a unit within a property on a deal, perform the following steps.

1. At the top-left of the page, click Portfolio.

2. On the Portfolio page, click Deal ID or View for the deal you want to update.

3. On the left navigation menu, click Property.

4. On the Property page, click View for the property for which you want to add a unit.

5. On the Unit Tracking page, click + New Unit.

6. In the New Unit dialog box, enter the following information.

Field Description
Unit Details
Unit Name

The name of the unit.

This field is mandatory.

Unit Type

The unit type such as Single Family Detached, Room, Condominium, Lot Under Development, and so on.

This field is mandatory.

Occupancy Status

The occupancy status such as Occupied, Vacant and so on.

Sales Status

The sales status such as Spec, Model, Presold and so on.

Unit Size SF

The square footage of an individual unit.

Rentable SF

The rentable square footage of an individual unit.


The net rentable square footage (NRSF) is the percentage ratio of Rentable SF to Unit Size SF.

Monthly Market Rent

The monthly rent of a similar unit in the local market.

Payoff / Release Details

Min. Release Price

An amount associated with an asset (such as property) that serves as a threshold for releasing the lienholders interest. its . It ensures that the asset is not sold below a certain value.

Payoff Quote

The exact amount of money required to pay off the units commitment completely.

Payoff Quote Date

The date by which the payoff quote was issued.

Actual Release Price

The actual price to release the lienholders interest in the unit.

Amount Received

The amount received against the Payoff Quote.

Date Received

The date when the amount was received against the Payoff Quote.

Date Released

The date when the lienholders interest was released from the unit.

7. Click + New Unit.

A message is displayed indicating that the unit is created successfully.