Adding a property to a deal

You can add one or more properties to a deal.

Note: Ensure that:

A deal is created.

Full access is provided to the Asset Management > Property Tracking permission.

To add a property to a deal, perform the following steps.

1. At the top-left of the page, click Portfolio.

2. On the Portfolio page, click Deal ID or View for the deal you want to update.

3. On the left navigation menu, click Property.

4. On the Property page, click + New Property.

5. In the New Property dialog box, enter the following information.

Field Description
Property Name

The name of the property.

This field is mandatory.

Property Class

Real estate property classes such as A, B, C, andD, based on their age, location, physical condition, and potential for generating income.

Property Type

The property type such as:


  • Small Multifamily

  • Single Family

  • Vacant Land Residential


  • Multifamily

  • Mixed Use

  • Vacant Land

  • Office

  • Industrial

  • Easements/Personal Prop/Other

  • Agricultural

  • Retail

  • Commercial General/Misc.

  • Public and Semi-Public

  • Special Purpose

  • Hospitality

This field is mandatory.

Property Subtype

The property subtype such as duplex, triplex, apartment, townhome, nursing home, and so on.

This field is mandatory.

Note: The property subtype varies according to the selected property type.

Property Status

The property status such as:


  • Proposed

  • Approved

  • Draft


  • Stabilized

  • Payoff Quoted

  • Closed

  • Pending Conversion


  • Paid Off

  • Converted

  • Released

  • Deleted

This field is mandatory.

Gross Square Feet The gross area of the property, in square feet.
Acreage The area of the property, in acres.
Owner Occupied?

Specifies whether the property is occupied by the owner .

This field is mandatory.

In the Property Address section, enter the property address details. The Country, City, State and Postal Code are mandatory fields.

6. Click + New Property.

A message is displayed indicating that the property is added successfully.